Mobile business Enterprises Carriers

Blogs & Insights

December 16, 2015

Trading on the 21st Century Silk Road: Every millisecond counts

By Edmund Cheung, Director of Marketing and Enterprise Business at China Telecom Europe & Devie Mohan, FinTech market expert and key industry influencer London is regarded as the world’s largest foreign exchange (FOREX) hub and handles over 40i per cent of the global volume of around $5tn FOREX being traded each dayii. The capital is also […]

October 21, 2015

What you need to know if you want to establish a retail business in China

The numbers speak for themselves. China’s economy is worth nearly $11 trillion 1. That’s nearly three times the value of India’s economy 2. With it has come greater purchasing power for China’s middle class whose population will reach 340 million by 2016 3. Small wonder then that at last year’s Chinese Cyber Monday 11.11 Shopping Festival, it record […]